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Movies Badly Explained

 (example 1980 -A family’s first hotel experience goes very wrong

1947 -Telling people  that your Jewish can be a relationship killer

1969 -Dating a Jewish girl from a well-to-do family has its challenges

1983- An orthodox Jewish student succeeds but knows something is missing

1986- Nervous horticulturalist becomes less nervous when someone accidentally kills themselves

1971- Father wants his daughters to get married. Disowns some of them for getting married.

2008 – Girl has an unhealthy obsession with her mother’s sex life

1980 – Released inmates visit all their talented friends

1964- Rich man trains woman to deceive royalty

1975 – Alien fails to provide phone to stranded travelers.

1997-Rich girl lets poor man freeze to death

1986- Overworked school administrator struggles to enforce the rules